KT Sullivan

"KT Sullivan is the cabaret equivalent of whipped cream atop a surprising nutricious dessert. Behind her faux cupie doll naivete is a shrewd acting talent. She's a comedian with a voice... a fusion of those classic not-so-dumb blondes, Marilyn Monroe and Judy Holiday." Stephen Holden, New York Times, 2000


"the frisky and ebullient KT is radiant with showiz glow... she works the song, works the stage, and works the audience." Phillip Elwood, San Francisco Examiner


"quirky, quirky, quirky. Depending on how the light catches her, KT Sullivan can resemble a fey, singing version of Goldie Hawn, or if you prefer a little more gravitas, a latterday Gertrude Lawrence." Clive Davis, The London Times.


"The three biggest things in cabaret are KT's voice, and KT's...eyes. It's hard to imagine the former, -- a rich, controlled soprano that's a revelation in full throat, and a provocation in a half-whisper -- arising out of Boggy Depot, Oklahoma. As for the eyes, when she's joking around with her accompanist, she's Eddie Cantor; when she fixes them on some poor sucker at a front table, he's doomed." Daniel Okrent, Fortune Magazine


"KT Sullivan, of course, is one of the fienst cabaret/musical stage performers around --- musically bright and inspired by scholarship.: Michael Paoletta, Billboard Magazine


"a well-established musical theater artist -- she played Lorelei Lee in the revival of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes -- Sullivan has a superb voice, capable of singing small, sweetly subtle passages and hard-hitting climactic high points, then switching to different character styles to suite the needs of each song... surely one of the fienst cabaret outings of recent memory... quality of the highest order." Don Heckman, Los Angeles Times


"A near-perfect blend of humor and nostalgia," Stephen Holden, New York Times, January 1999.


"Sullivan's tribute to Noel Coward, Cole Porter, and Bart Howard sparkles brightly...one of cabaret's finest." Chip Deffaa, N.Y. Post. January 1999.


"In her sparkling new act, Noel, Coward, and Bart, KT Sullivan crafts fine pearls of wit, intelligence, and musical sophistication." Rex Reed, N.Y. Observer. January 1999


"KT Sullivan is the perfect cabaret chanteuse with Barbara Cook's voice, Marilyn Monroe's aura of sexual innocence, Mabel Mercer's musical intelligence, and the witty innuendo of Mae West...Noel, Coward, and Bart is a clever assemblage of the best of three witty tunesmiths...as good as it gets." Gene Price, San Francisco Bay Times. May 1999.


"Sullivan has done copious research to create a fascinating and enjoyable journey through songs of Nowel Coward, Cole Porter, and Bart Howard (the composer of 'Fly Me To The Moon' and other cabaret treasures)." Jim Van Buskirk, Bay Area Reporter, May 1999.


"On the eve of the millennium, Noel, Coward, Bart, and Sullivan prove that romanticism, class and unerring god taste will travel comfortably into the next century." Robert Daniels, Variety. January 1999


"The key to her success lies in her exquisite and versatile voice, coupled with her considerable gifts as a comedienne. When KT does comedy, you've got cabaret at its urbane best." Barbara and Scott Siegel, InTheater, February 1999


"KT Sullivan has a stunning presence and a broad and secure vocal range, particularly effective in songs on which Mabel Mercer put her stamp. Miss Sullivan reminds us of Miss Mercer but gives the songs a fresh and personal interpretation." John S. Wilson, New York Times.


"Sullivan strung together opalescent moments as if they were a strand of uncultured pearls. She focused her honey-hued soprano on songs of hope, promise and mild regret in an hour-long set of the familiar ("Dancing in the Dark," "The Man I Love," "So in Love") and the rare (Howard Dietz and Arthur Schwartz's "Blue Grass," Amanda McBroom's "Dreamin' ")...It wasn't all quiet intimacies. Sullivan can bring a deliciously unjaded playfulness to a song. Her treatment of "I Love a Piano" remained just this side of sensuous without crossing the line into bawdy. As she caressed her accompanist's baby grand, she ratcheted up her delirious coo into a lusty Sophie Tucker belt, then topped off the song with kicks that would have made a Rockette green." Sam Wood, Philadelphia Inquirer. November 1998


"Rare is the woman who can deliver 'Right as the Rain,''Hit the Road to Dreamland,' and 'Out of This World' in a legit soprano and sound convincing, but Sullivan manages it very well indeed." Michael Portantiere, Theater World.


"She was born to be in the spotlight, and she exudes that kind of star quality that you can't learn or fake. You've either got it or you ain't, and she's got it." Bob Harrington, Backstage.


"KT Sullivan is one of that small handful of singers whose understanding and control matches her extraordinary voice. She is vibrant -- a stunning surprise!" Stuart Troup, New York Newsday.

"KT Sullivan combines some of the better qualities of Judy Holiday and Barbara Cook." David Richards, New York Times.


"KT, a poised and perky Oklahoma strawberry blonde with eyes like green emeralds reaches the pinnacle of sophistication in her act at the Algonquin...This Irish colleen from the plains has clearly demonstrated more skill and intelligence and musical savvy than you get in most cabaret acts all year long." Rex Reed, N.Y. Observer.


"Her sound is pure, and it brings out the beguiling sensuousness of the music effortlessly." Howard Kissel, Daily News.

"KT Sullivan sings with a glorious vibrant voice that imbues every lyric with a sparkling romantic quality even beyond that provided by the written word. A natural beauty with an effervescent stage presence and a winning smile, Sullivan is the find of the season." New York Post.