A CONCERT/CABARET starring: The evening juxtaposes the songs that Rodgers wrote with Lorenz Hart such as "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered", "My Funny Valentine", and "Lady Is A Tramp" with those from the glorious Oscar Hammerstein II collaborations such as SOUTH PACIFIC, THE KING AND I, SOUND OF MUSIC and some for which he wrote his own lyrics are given their due. Throughout the evening is peppered with fascinating stories about the composer’s life. It is a distinct, stylish, and tuneful portrait of this most prolific of Broadway composers. In exciting, fresh arrangements that enhance but never lose track of the musical essence of each song these four powerhouse performers run the gamut of musical emotions and styles from rousing comedy to heart-stopping ballads. This show will leave you "alive with the Sound of Music." "HEATHER MacRAE is a star performer in her own right. A song fest and love fest rolled into one" "KT SULLIVAN is the cabaret equivalent of whipped cream atop a surprisingly nutritious dessert!" "MARK NADLER may be the most prodigiously talented entertainer in America today!" "CRAIG RUBANO has a beautiful voice, fine-tuning it to a sensual, haunting instrument one could listen to for hours." |